Paula’s 12 hour Spin Bike Challenge

“What could I do”

This is what went through Paula Barrows thoughts when thinking how she could help, in some small way, with the support of her lovely friends and family, to raise funds for the charity MIND? ( Mental Investigation into Neurodevelopment Disorders).  

Paula has challenged herself to a sponsored solo physical endurance,  testing herself physically, enabling her to focus mentally on helping others…

So from 8am-8pm on Friday 18th February at Kings Fitness & Leisure, Cheddar, Paula will be spinning the wheel on a static bike in the main reception area for 12 hours.

If you can spare some time or resources, click this link. Mental health matters to everyone young and old, fit or frail, it has no boundaries.

Your support in person on the day at KFL would be great, 8am to 8pm. Pop in for a few minutes if you can, Paula will be in the reception area.